Ford estimated biometrically driver status

Posted by Unknown Thursday, June 28, 2012

65% of traffic accidents are human failings and much of what authorities can do is always subject to what drivers are above or feel when they are behind the wheel. Ford wants to have control over changes in the health of a person while on board one of their cars and is building a system called Driver Workload Estimator. Combining biometric systems, driving assistance and cameras and sensors for evaluation of context, they want to calculate the state of driver and traffic to estimate their willingness to distractions that lead to accidents.

Closer to the TV and turn on the news is facing journalists talking about accidents on routes, tragedy and how all these results so painful could be resolved if drivers have more discretion when riding in a car. Alcohol, drugs, inattention, carelessness and in addition to any health-related event, there is the accumulated physical and mental fatigue or physical alteration of an event in real time as a phone call or a child turning their snack on upholstery. Given this, the latent fatality is always displayed, so the Ford car company has developed medirr biometric systems for real-time driver status and traffic seeking to avoid all accidents are preventable precisely.

Ford researchers are working on integrating the cars of advanced security and real-time monitoring of the driver's body. A pilot who takes the car, the system could scan it entirely through the pressure made on the gas and brake pedals, and also from the same flyer looking to profile the driver and update in real time for changes abrupt, for example, the force to take the wheel, breathing (measured by the seat belt), body temperature and facial conductor and heart rate.

Along with this health monitoring system, we will run another one based on information taken by sensors and cameras located at special points of the car, avoiding alarms that distractions make a driver deviates from his track, for example . The algorithm which sets forth all of these parameters is the algorithm "Driver Workload Estimator" (driver effort Estimator).

System integration is such that even general statements may be executed in the car, such as "Do Not Disturb" to block incoming calls to your car or any kind of distractions, always based on reading the whole context of the driver, both within your body and out of the car. What you see in the video is a model that engineers asiendto built so far, where all parameters are measured as outlined above. This project Workload Estimator Driver, Ford plans to go beyond the current methods of prevention and road safety, mixing the two most important factors: the state of traffic and the state with which the driver is facing him.



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