A computer capable of composing classical music

Posted by Unknown Monday, July 2, 2012

Blind, deaf and dumb should be the autistic computers do not believe that we have equated gradually more characteristic of the human qualities, those that give us reason to be and add meaning to our existence as a whole identified as humanity. Still missing and I hope very much, but to give us another example of how insignificant we are, some Spanish scientists developed a computer capable of composing classical music like one of the many great musicians in history. Of course, Lamus at incredible speeds up and puts us to discuss music, man and the universe itself.

For its complexity, which involves writing and execution by the secrecy of his age and because like a fine wine, only specialists know what it's made and tastes so good, listening to the mystique that has a quasi-supernatural large piece of classical music, the feeling of joy is in part to recognize the human as a being capable of the most virtuous, when we insist on the other hand through the media that serve only to destroy each other. There are moments of human feeling pride when you hear these heavenly pianos weeping cellos conjugated with a philosophical subtlety, but may now have to attach another narcissistic wound of humanity to the list provided and fed Freud, because scientists Malaga University have developed a computer capable of composing classical music.

No more exclusivity and bad copies, because the computer Lamus, scientists at the UMA, Department of Computational Intelligence, have broken with the established view that only humans had the sensitivity and wonder to build musical works which have no noticeable differences with the human authors. The team manager, Francisco José Vico, Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, told that the current draft is based on the application of biomimetic techniques and hence is the closeness of the Darwinian theory of evolution, genetics and computing, with its own language that has been able to answer the question about the creativity of the machines. That is, a reformulation of the question that Alan Turing founded the Artificial Intelligence.

So far Lamus has created over 800 original scores and how to check their "humanity" is the comparison of these with other group of renowned artists of all time. As the results have been positive with amazing composition speeds (less than 10 minutes to write a score of 5 minutes to an instrument), at year end we will have a record with 10 scores performed by the London Symphony Orchestra among others. Of course, the existence of this binary Mozart has created debates around the world on how a machine that does not think or feel can create music that generates emotions in humans and appear to have included in his musical body. What does this mean? What music is just math? What computers can sit or emulate the emotions to a very high level? So that. Computers compose classical music, man.



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