ACTA's death and the return of Megaupload

Posted by Unknown Friday, July 6, 2012

First, we have what is probably the biggest news of the year for digital freedom and rights of users on the Web: The European Parliament gave him a real beating ACTA, an action that virtually destroys the possibility implement the treaty around the globe. And secondly, we have to Megaupload. Do you remember Megaupload? Your manager Kim Dotcom not only celebrated the defeat suffered by ACT in Parliament, but also predicted the return of a Mega platform, and is bigger and faster, as well as completely free.

It was dirty from the start. There were secret meetings, and agreements behind closed doors. Any request for transparency in their treatment was ignored. The Council of the European Union had "hidden" in a meeting of Agriculture and Fisheries. Removed legal protections for both providers and users, forcing ISPs to turn against their own customers at the slightest claim. Attacked legal exchange methods, and open and free software at various levels. But there was something worse, criminalized the generic concept, undermining health worldwide. However, is history: ACTA, an acronym for Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement is liquidated, and the place of his fall was the European Parliament. On 4 July, the Parliament refused to ACT in a vote of 478 to 39 (21 of them from French representatives), and 165 abstentions. Six months were difficult, for a moment that showed a favorable outlook for the treaty. However, the protests and activism (both web and beyond) eventually led to many members of Parliament and representatives of other states that initially expressed support for ACTA, to reconsider its position. The result is in sight.

To take effect, ACTA must be ratified by six states, but no one has done so far. We can count the United States in such confirmation, but being in an election year, the goals seem to be others. They are also more and more countries are moving away. The Mexican Senate refused to ACT in June 2011. Switzerland and Australia did their thing in May and June this year. And among all this, a name that emerges is that of Kim Dotcom responsible for Megaupload. His extradition to the United States is in check, and a judge in New Zealand outlawed the raid on his mansion because a significant number of irregularities in the process. With this in mind, and with the recent drop in Europe ACTA, Dotcom held in its own way on Twitter, announcing that Soup, PIPA and ACTA are dead, and what is your platform again Mega: "Bigger. Best. Faster. Free and protected from attacks. Evolution! "Was the expression of Dotcom on the social network.

The situation will be resolved Dotcom (in one form or another) in August, meanwhile, the fact that ACT has become dust in the European Parliament does not mean that their original advocates the same thing has happened to them. Seek ways to reintroduce the same mistakes, the same follies. The banknotes circulate, courtesy of unscrupulous giants of different markets. And probably have to leave the crossroads once again. Members of Parliament gave a lesson, and ironically was a day like July 4th, but do not give up. If you try to implement mechanisms to protect copyright destroy other rights in the process, the protest will not end easily.



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