Simulacrum, walking in virtual reality

Posted by Unknown Monday, September 3, 2012

In the creation of video games or in the production of advanced 3D content in general intentions when emulating the physical mechanics of humans and animals are an issue that reveals the engineers thinking about everything that comes in both environments immersive virtual. The Rift Oculus and other systems are not forcing ask for better games and better physical, and as we can all pay for our systems ODT "walking in place" is as real as possible, an engineer created The Simulacrum, an economic ODT gives realism to your steps, but still has much room for improvement.

From the earliest days of the FPS, for example, the pursuit of realism in the composition of the characters has been prolific, leading us to see interesting characters who respect physical movement believed unique reality. However, in the evolution of the ways of moving, jumping, walking, running, kicking and hitting other complex movements, walking on the characters was always a matter of discussion, especially when viewing augmented reality controlled characters scanning or physical controls like Kinect. For the form of walking and running is as real as possible, using ODTs (running ciantas omnidirectional), but these are very expensive. However, an engineer creóSimulacrum, economic ODT system for anyone to have a sense of realism only when walking.

As you can see in the video, each foot that rises sends a signal to the console to advance a specified interval. Doing that is something that does not represent a significant difficulty, but what I have taken a little more work was naturally allow rotation of the character. This means that each pad is really able to rotate about its vertical axis, allowing the foot to be represented more naturally in their movement. When you lift your foot to take a step, the pad is "behind" and then the body draws on both feet moving as the previous position of the character, which creates a smoother projection of the character walking. Through the use of Simulacrum, and enable movement for all angles, the turns become real enough, but the engineer in charge acknowledged that they had been "very fast" in the video.

The project plans to develop and is gathering as much information as possible about the different scenarios that can be found, but also has to answer some considerable criticism like that is not really a breakthrough in immersion, the idea that only lift one foot to make it spin almost like an extra button to push. This, despite the change of direction of the body is when it exerts some pressure on the "field means that the iteration steps becomes quite negative towards results are achieved. Besides the positive which means the cost ($ 100 to manufacture), intuitively capture the movement of the legs, the alleged preservation of natural movement in the walk, the absence of latency, high compatibility, the device is plug and play and open source. It is in the latter where we see the greatest potential for development Simulacrum and overcome difficulties and make today is to compare it to a real-ODT is a bit exaggerated.



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