The backfire: Oracle will have to pay Google $ 1,130,350

Posted by Unknown Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cargo, aimed, fired and exited the backfire. Straight to the face, like one of those famous facepalm that abound on the Internet, Oracle received more bad news. Is that as he lost the duel for a trial of two years and a half in front of Google, the jury understood that Oracle had exceeded their demands and 1,130,350 to be paid to the Mountain View for expenses and damages. Another case where the oracle could not foresee anything.

The ring is a cooker that burns incessantly angles. Within her feet burned two contenders, whom enclosure lights dazzle as much as their own go blind the public glare. And then the referee mutters, faces shrinking eyebrows, mouth guards are embedded in the jaw and four gloves collide in the center, begins combat. So, two years and six months ago, began the race to put in sidewalks opposite two heavyweights of the computer industry. In one corner, Oracle, with its better-known database with thousands of patents to his name. On the other side, Google, the company that, if today we were to hazard a dystopia, rule the world in a few years. The cause: patent infringement and a claim of 6 billion dollars from Oracle. In that trial, Oracle alleged violation of seven patents and other claims 132, but each complaint was rejected.

After two and a half years of assaults, legal strategies, covert payments to blogs and websites to speak in favor or against each company, to show voltage compatibilities between services and products, and then to make all this a telenovela of computing, the judge's verdict is already public knowledge and it appears that Google has benefited by being absolved of any guilt and responsibility. So, in the costume of innocence made at trial and the victim makeup, Google came to seek redress for the expenses he had to face during these two years and six months. Google demand was for $ 4,030,669 to cover costs for various commercial litigation and damages. Anyway, the judge seemed excessive and after appropriate calculations, Oracle reached sentenced to pay $ 1,130,350 to Google. Something like: pay for having bothered.

Faced with the possibility of winning a sum of nearly 6 billion dollars, losing 1 million and something does not seem so bad for these companies where the risk is part of their daily actions. What matters is that perhaps guilty of this development of the trial could have been the lawyers, says the specialized site Groklaw. But not everything has gone wrong, because the controversial scene that had settled on the unethical practices of Google and Oracle to pay bloggers celebrities to speak ill of the company and thus adverse influence on the ruling power, were also dismissed by the judge, who said that all this came to nothing and the trial died. The backfire, Oracle. Things that happen



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