Parents sue Apple iTunes for purchases of accessories for applications

Posted by Unknown Thursday, April 19, 2012

A very angry group of parents has filed a lawsuit against Apple for the iTunes service. They accuse the company of allowing their children to do gaming accessories payments deemed to be offered free. They also hope to punish the company, because they are convinced that this has left them to make payments through iTunes accounts without requesting parental consent. Many of them noticed the issue when it found that its expenses common to the apple store had increased over a hundred euros.

It is the first case, because a year ago, a British mother complained that Apple had allowed one of her sons spent more than $ 10,000 a month in gaming accessories, through the mother's account. The lawyer handling the new lawsuit, Garen Meguerian, basa demand that for a long time, it was very easy for children to learn ons for games, really expensive in many cases without the knowledge or consent of the parent for the disbursement . Ons are much more expensive than the games themselves, and without progression is impossible or very difficult.

Apple wants the lawyer to desist from the lawsuit stating that the IOS operating system of the iPhone and the iPad is an option to disable the acquisition of payment applications (integrated shopping). Is parental problem if not defused the basic security option. However, since this wave of payments without permission during 2011, Apple added the need to use a password for each application or plug-buying game. Anyway, this new method is vulnerable.

After the father entered the password, it still remains active for fifteen minutes, during which children can access the free iTunes account. During that period of time, children may end up pulling the economy out the window family. On the other hand, children of 13 years sharing with their parents in the iTunes store, but children over 13 can open their own accounts and make all purchases they wish, as adults.

A recent study by research firm highlights Velositor fremium applications for mobile phones are a good deal. Any independent developer can check more than 63,000 euros in the first month for payment of extra allowances linked to the main application free. Programmers have also discovered that the public more receptive to incur such expenses are children and adolescents, and have therefore decided to take advantage. They are right. Children buy almost on impulse, with little whim. No question the price of things, and they are many. Many. Just have a defect: the parents.



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