Found her mother with Google Earth 26 years later

Posted by Unknown Monday, April 16, 2012

A young Indian who was lost five years and was adopted in Australia has managed to locate her family with the geological survey of the seeker

When I was five, Saroo Brierley fell asleep on a train near his home and traveled 14 hours to reach Calcutta. I did not know the name of his people, so could not return and lived in an orphanage before being adopted by an Australian family. After 26 years was reunited with his mother thanks to Google Earth.

The day was lost, Saroo had been working with his older brother and fell asleep again in a train station. When he awoke he saw his brother and thought it would be in a train that had stopped at the time, so he entered in your search. However, he also fell asleep and awoke 14 hours later in Calcutta.

Almost 26 years later, from Australia, this young man used the little data I had to calculate the approximate distance he had traveled the train that went up (about 1,200 miles). Later he drew a circle with center in Kolkata to mark the area that was its people.

Thus, he explained to the BBC, was easy to find a waterfall in which I played as a child. So, got to follow the path to his people, Khandwa, thanks to the memories he had as a child. Soon after, he went to Khandwa Saroo where got reunited with his mother.



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