MIT develops robots with parts produced in 3D printers

Posted by Unknown Thursday, April 5, 2012

A couple of days back we talked about one of the research of MIT in the field of robotics in working in developing micro-robots that were assembled together to form any type of object, for example, replacing a piece that had to be replaced on a machine (similar to a job that was being developed at NASA for the ISS to manufacture parts with 3D printers ). Combining robotics and 3D printing, a team of MIT's CSAIL (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) is working on an interesting project to democratize access to robotics to facilitate the construction of robots using parts made ​​with 3D printers .

The project has funding of $ 10 million from the National Science Foundation and has a term of 5 years development, aims to develop a technology that makes possible any person, to design, customize and print pieces a robot without the need for complex systems design, just a desktop computer.

The idea is to eliminate MIT arduous process of designing and manufacturing the components of a robot's body, reducing development time and, of course, focusing efforts on the software and hardware robot controller (could be an interesting alternative to systems development as Nao ). What would the process? The user would have available a desktop application that would have a number of libraries with robot functionalities and components (processors, machine vision systems, physical structure, etc.) the user will use to design and customize it to your taste. Once the design phase, you get the CAD files that are required for an establishment where manufacture 3D printed parts for later assembly, in addition to buying the necessary electronics. Once you have all the components only have to assemble and record the software on the robot.

Although it may seem simple, the project for nothing is as it involves 3D modeling, development of functional libraries or developing a programming framework, thus providing the user (whether professional, amateur or a student of engineering or secondary a) a single work environment and to obtain a product out quickly.



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