Assail an Apple store in Paris and lost million euros in products

Posted by Unknown Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It is possibly the heist of the year which has just closed in the world of new technologies, surpassing the disappearance of 3,600 iPads at JFK Airport in New York. During the afternoon of New Year, although it has become far-holder information, robbers robbed at gunpoint the Apple Store located in the vicinity of the Opera Square in Paris.

The holdup has been particularly spectacular. Four masked and armed robbers broke into the trade at about nine in the evening, when it had closed for a couple of hours and only workers were inside. They entered through a service door, after threatening a guard, and about forty minutes were devoted to rob the store's warehouse. "They made their choice quietly, as professionals," police sources explained to "Le Parisien". The thieves took further that the police focused their efforts during the day in the Champs Elysees.

One of the store employees was injured slightly, according to "Le Monde". The assault was, for the exterior, clean: none of the windows were affected and, from the street, the store seemed to be  completely normal.

The material seized by thieves covers some of the latest products from Apple, but the store managers are still taking stock of what may have been affected. Early estimates on the theft point to something more than a million euros as economic value of the loot, but remains to be seen whether or not ultimately reached that figure. "At first, an estimate pointed to one million euros of prejudice but a number of stolen goods believed to have been displaced," point to "Le Figaro" sources of the store.

This shop is the most invoice Apple establishments in France. Large local robberies are unusual in Europe, although the U.S. Apple Store already sometime target of criminals. In New York, for example, there is talk of bands that go out for gadgets and devices robbery rate Cupertino outstanding has grown in recent years.



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