U.S. grants first license to drive without a driver by Google

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The State of Nevada on Monday granted the first license for a automatic car, lacking driver. Last year, the state legislature legalized the presence of these roads in their vehicles, which are experimental. That law came into force on March 1, and the State has taken only two months to grant the first license.

Thus, Nevada, which, with 12.3%, has the highest unemployment rate in the country, hoping to attract a group still unexplored for technology companies. Google, in fact, is after the initial legislative momentum such action. The company has been testing cars such years.

Last summer, one of these vehicles had its first accident near the company headquarters in Mountain View. Google maintains that the car was in manual mode when the crash occurred, of little importance. Their cars have come so far on California roads. They say in the company that these cars have traveled 257,000 miles in a few tests in the U.S..

In an entry on the official blog of the company, in 2010, the engineer and vice president Sebastian Thrun explained how these cars, "Our automated vehicles using video cameras, radar sensors and laser rangefinders to 'perceive' the rest of the vehicles, well as detailed maps to navigate the road. "

Google often used in the Toyota Prius hybrid car project. One of them was granted the first license in Nevada, after lawmakers were to try on some roads and streets of Carson City, the capital, and Las Vegas, the largest metropolitan area. The company also has some Audi TT and Lexus RX450h, also automated.

Nevada law, however, does not allow unhindered movement automated car occupants. They must be in at least two people, one driving and one in the passenger seat. The companies also must provide the State Administration a test plan, a list of roads that the vehicle will circulate and invest millions in the relevant insurance.



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