Rumors about the next iPhone, and for the first time on next-generation iPod Touch

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The launch of the next iPhone coming to us, so increasing the rumors about him and other devices from Apple. Now, the first time in a long time, we heard rumors about the next generation of iPod Touch which, it seems, Apple will not give up.

A5X way to the iPhone
Like the two previous years, this year almost sure that the processor we have seen earlier this year on the new iPad , the A5X, also appears at the end of the year in the new iPhone. As happened last year, this year Apple made a proto-type of the next iPhone's casing the previous iPhone (iPhone 4S), to see how it would work with the new hardware. We all pretty clear that Apple will not make the same design for the third time, but she does it just for the test. At least we hope. The goal of the master model - prototype is to test the functioning of the A5X processor of the iPhone device, and as in previous iPad, also carries the A5X processor, also the parent model - type of RAM is 1GB.

Clues to the next iPod in iOS 5.1 
The iPod Touch's is undoubtedly one of best sellers in the history of market players. Is light, thin, cheap, stylish, and does everything that the iPhone can do, other than cellular capabilities. Unfortunately, as the overcoming power of smartphones in recent years, the power of the iPod and other music players, declined. Brought by the upgrade Apple iPod Touch last year (which did not include much detail in white device), we can guess that it looks seriously option to give up the handset. But it seems as though everything Apple does believe in and want to develop your future. According to an internal file systems located within the iOS 5.1, Apple is working on a fifth generation of iPods dubbed iPod5, 1. Still no rumors about the design of the device or the internal hardware it gets, but the leap from there to the code of the previous iPod, iPod4, first, to the new code, iPod5, a, indicates significant upgrades. If Apple really wants to restore the iPod Touch things, she'll have to put it A5X processor, 1GB of RAM and a better camera, otherwise it will remain behind, again. The iPod Touch is one of the most gaming machines are sold there today, so if Apple decide to combine their potential together with its robust hardware and their most advanced, they could turn the iPod Touch in his glory days



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