Apple thinks of a tool for anyone to make applications

Posted by Unknown Friday, April 13, 2012

According to reports Apple recently filed a registration with which patented a tool for people without programming skills can make their applications for IOS, as it says the file is called Content Configuration for Device Platforms.

As presented, the tool would be a way to standardize the basic application development just as they did recently with the eBooks and as is common in web pages or blogs. The user can access templates with common formats such as slideshows, maps, social networks, etc..

Initially the idea of ​​Steve Jobs for applications that were running in the IOS relied heavily on HTML5, in what is called webapps. Only several months later came the appstore where you could download much more efficient native applications developed using software created especially for the case and it worked only on Mac computers, the XCode. This application development became more complex and, although the system introduced is friendly to those familiar with code, completely repels those who do not know anything about programming.

At present some companies have developed systems by which HTML code is included in a native application that displays thanks to webkit XCode, the easiest way to make an app so far, but the results are brilliant.

Over time this movement was a great success for Apple as it controlled the entire process of production and distribution of applications on its platform while allowing users to deliver quality experience that no other device could replicate. Although registration of the patent does not mean that the Cupertino company will carry out any of this would be closer to the original idea of ​​programming applications easier.



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