FlightGear: Flight Simulator Free multi-platform

Posted by Unknown Thursday, April 12, 2012

If you ever wanted to know how they actually work and how the planes that fly them feel, albeit virtually, you'll never recommend Battlefield 3, but a free flight simulator as FlightGear. This program / ​​free cross-platform game puts you in the ladder to the cockpit of more than 500 aircraft, airports and virtual flight experiences. With over 15 years of development above, FlightGear has been updated and improved graphics and AI are a must.

Relatively recently was lucky enough to go on holiday with my girlfriend. Hotel, food, pool, lakes, more food, fresh air, food in quantities more aggressive and love, love. To travel we choose to fly, and as there is a shuttle that regularly use, when you get home recapitulated the lived on high and got into YouTube and Wikipedia to try to understand, as every time I step off a plane-how is that those tons of metal, fuel and end human flesh flying so smoothly and quickly in the clouds. After several hours of research I decided to find a flight simulator to test (virtually quiet) my learning. Among those who appeared to me, I tried and found FlightGear met other details that most commercial simulators were surprised, and above is newly updated version which had already commented Ariel Palazzesi in 2008.

FlightGear charts are part of the upgrade from 2008 version that we saw earlier, before giving a "sense of being there" of airflow dynamics and management controls, now feels much more rewarding thanks to utilization of the processing of current video cards, creating landscapes and aircraft increasingly realistic physics that lead to a more sensitive and noticeable. In regard to artificial intelligence, have improved the loading times of the simulator and the accuracy of air traffic. In addition, training for fall are optimized. The weather played much in the air, and that has worked with better rendering of clouds. Among other details we recommend reading the log of changes, FligthGear offers new control knobs or joysticks, visual improvements in ocean and continental air. Personal recommendation: Do not forget to familiarize yourself with your project editor, aircraft and structures. Available free for Windows, Mac and Linux.



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