Hacker accused by photos of his girlfriend

Posted by Unknown Friday, April 13, 2012

This is the story of Higinio O. Ochoa, a hacker would have violated the security police of several sites in the United States, with different anonymously turn my tweets to their followers to sites that exposed the private information of agents of the security force. As a firm, in their righteous outbursts did not lose the opportunity to include this picture of a woman holding a generous curve poster autographed by the hack.

Ochoa is a Texan of 30 years, suspected of belonging to a group acting CabinCr3w for the group Anonymous. He just took care to dispel any suspicion when he decided that each hacking include a picture of his girlfriend. According to the FBI sensual photos of Miss include EXIF information presented dispoistivo used for the photo (iPhone in this case), time, date, camera settings for capturing and positioning data. With the latter, the FBI concluded that the photos used as an inscription on the sites of the attacks came from a house near Melbourne, Australia. When these data followed quickly realized that lived at that address Ms. Ochoa had the bride in her Facebook.

The hacker has been detained for several days, but can now use this information in court cases to relate the events on the Texas American pages, plus a photo that is shared in the beginning of the post there are other pictures that would engage and the same woman.



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